the newest version of island of dr. moreau is a bit of a let down. the potential is high and it is entertaining on a whole but the feeling when you're done watching is that it could have been a whole lot better.
it takes the original concept, adds a bit of gore and a ton of flamboyant weirdness, adds a mild flavor of this could happen now rather than the book which is clearly dated.
kilmer is good, and so is brando and they carry the film, but both seem to be performing grand theatre when its a movie instead. its difficult to believe these people. kilmer even gives an impression of brando at one point which is nearly ludicrous.
its thought that this will become a cult film but i doubt it. everything feels dated and nothing that great nor truthfully weird enough to establish that kind of following.
in the end, i'm not sure if i appreciated this film more because i had just read the book or because its slightly out of the normal fair and interesting enough.
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DVDs (113)
80's sci-fi cheese
love it! this is pure 80's sci-fi and cheesy as hell. love every minute of it!!!
molly ringwald no less!
mad max-like retro post-apocalyptic romp around. what else do you need to know.
great time. i watch it all the time, its one of my favorite all time films.
i consider spending a lot of $$ to get a 3-D system to see this film as it was originally shown....seriously.
molly ringwald no less!
mad max-like retro post-apocalyptic romp around. what else do you need to know.
great time. i watch it all the time, its one of my favorite all time films.
i consider spending a lot of $$ to get a 3-D system to see this film as it was originally shown....seriously.
grunge lite
this is the grunge era movie. for better or worse.
its telling of the time but had the feeling of being dated from the moment it was released. its like the popular version of the grunge life. which is problematic.
in the end the movie has a number of stories which are interrelated by the fact that the main characters know each other since they live in the same small building. all the stories are well rounded and interesting if a little unbelievable. its good drama, its decent comedy, none of which is great.
great music of course including a remade version of mudhoney's "touch me, i'm sick" remade as "touch me, i'm dick"
worth seeing, sadly dated film.
its telling of the time but had the feeling of being dated from the moment it was released. its like the popular version of the grunge life. which is problematic.
in the end the movie has a number of stories which are interrelated by the fact that the main characters know each other since they live in the same small building. all the stories are well rounded and interesting if a little unbelievable. its good drama, its decent comedy, none of which is great.
great music of course including a remade version of mudhoney's "touch me, i'm sick" remade as "touch me, i'm dick"
worth seeing, sadly dated film.
musical zombies
its what? how? why? who knows. this is the weirdest thing i've seen in a long time. its part stopmotion animation, mostly live action, drama comedy about a family who opens a hotel thats doomed by being nowhere that anyone wants to go to. worse everyone that does show up dies there. damn! but don't fear, they come back as singing and dancing zombies!!!
you simply have to see it to believe it. whoever dreamed this up surely has some form of brain damage. its genius on the twisted side.
10 for originality alone, but its also a good story and a well done movie.
its not my favorite movie so i gave it a 9, still its unique and quality movie.
you simply have to see it to believe it. whoever dreamed this up surely has some form of brain damage. its genius on the twisted side.
10 for originality alone, but its also a good story and a well done movie.
its not my favorite movie so i gave it a 9, still its unique and quality movie.
above average elvis
ok this is far from my favorite movie. its far on the "what the hell were they thinking" side of things. its frankly stupid, but then its a comedy and its meant to be.
elvis exists as a old cranky man in a nursing home, wasting away. a mummy zombie is taking the souls of the people around him and he decides to do away with it. with the help of jfk who is a black man?!! ok forget the plot just rent it and enjoy a laugh. don't expect much its not profound nor full of laughs, parts are sad, parts are sweet, parts are gore, action, etc.
theres nothing especially bad about this movie, as a premise it could have been better. its simply ok.
its modern b-movie drive-in fluff. get a ticket and some popcorn sit back and waste a few hours!! good times.
elvis exists as a old cranky man in a nursing home, wasting away. a mummy zombie is taking the souls of the people around him and he decides to do away with it. with the help of jfk who is a black man?!! ok forget the plot just rent it and enjoy a laugh. don't expect much its not profound nor full of laughs, parts are sad, parts are sweet, parts are gore, action, etc.
theres nothing especially bad about this movie, as a premise it could have been better. its simply ok.
its modern b-movie drive-in fluff. get a ticket and some popcorn sit back and waste a few hours!! good times.
imaginary images
a wild tromp through an imagine life of diane arbus. if you love arbus, don't expect a documentary on her life. this is far from that. this is a thoroughly surreal crazy dreamlike carnival of a film. i barely remember the plot i got so lost in the weirdness. that may sound like a bad thing but trust me it was a fun trip!!
the lush filming is beautiful to see. at the start the movie may drag on a bit, seemingly slow, but most everyone appreciates it for the period it depicts (the 1600's). its an appropriate style for this drama about the painter vermeer.
full of twists and some suspense, really the whole movie is about the relationships of the business of painting and the household of the period. its well rendered and compelling.
if you hate period peices you'll perhaps want to avoid it, if you just dislike them give this one a chance its one of the better ones.
full of twists and some suspense, really the whole movie is about the relationships of the business of painting and the household of the period. its well rendered and compelling.
if you hate period peices you'll perhaps want to avoid it, if you just dislike them give this one a chance its one of the better ones.
goya surreal
if it wasn't a spanish film this would be known by so many more people.
its an epic tale. goya at the end of his life tells his then young daughter the twisted tale of his life. wild, amazing, sometimes harsh, but endearing. a classic and beautiful film that deserves better recognition.
its an epic tale. goya at the end of his life tells his then young daughter the twisted tale of his life. wild, amazing, sometimes harsh, but endearing. a classic and beautiful film that deserves better recognition.
good fluff
despite being over the top hollywood fluff, it is entertaining and you do ultimately care about the characters. well developed story and strong visual effects.
failed assassin
wow. another movie that was almost overlooked and it turns out to be a great action drama. excellent story about an assassin that accidentally kills a boy on his first job. he's torn apart by the mistake and his "employer" isn't happy with him either.
he flees to Bruge to hideout. and he hates it there. a fellow assassin, who happens to enjoy being a tourist in Bruge, escorts him there and then it gets complicated. from there you should watch the movie unfold, there are twists and turns as relationships are formed and problems arise.
there are a number of surprises and one scene that stunned me unexpectedly.
highly recommended.
he flees to Bruge to hideout. and he hates it there. a fellow assassin, who happens to enjoy being a tourist in Bruge, escorts him there and then it gets complicated. from there you should watch the movie unfold, there are twists and turns as relationships are formed and problems arise.
there are a number of surprises and one scene that stunned me unexpectedly.
highly recommended.